Farewell Party

Today, since it is the last weekend we will have during the study abroad program, was the Farewell Party. The Students For Global Exchange again threw this party for us, they do so much for us I don't think I could ever express my thanks to them. They had quite the elaborate setup:

Farewell Party

They had a big screen set up showing pictures they collected from Facebook (we showed a few students how to sign up) and elsewhere, and they also showed a movie they made. The movie included scenes from the Welcome Party they threw us where we all introduced ourselves, from the Anamizu and Wajima Field Trip they accompanied us on, and the Birthday party they threw for June and July birthdays (including myself). They also showed the video they helped us make thanking our host families. Keiichi, the president of SGE, gave a speech that was a little sad reminding us that they'll never forget the times they spent with us. I can't say we will either.

Our host families came to the event too, and the Nakamuras invited me, Jason, and Soledad to eat dinner with them again along with Chen-Sensei again and Takako-Sensei, who we met there at the dinner. We had sushi ingredients, but mixed together in a salad, it was pretty delicious.

After we said goodbye to our host families for perhaps the last time, we went back to Nishikawa Heights to party a little. Nik Nedig, our presenter from yesterday, was there as well as the SGE students. It was a lot of fun talking to everyone, but after awhile there was a little accident.


We were trying to take a group photo, and I handed my camera to Kesuke, the former SGE president and a good friend of mine, but he was already holding too many cameras, and when I walked away to get in the photo, it dropped. It was really my fault for giving it to him, but he felt really bad. The camera was on when it fell, and it must have hit on the lens, because the lens didn't want to retract into the body anymore. It only took one more photo:


You can see Nik Nedig in the bottom left there. But the camera is not working anymore, I didn't lose any photos or anything though. Kesuke felt really terrible, apologized about 1000 times, suggested SGE send it in to get fixed, (but it takes longer than I have left in Kanazawa), offered to let me borrow his camera, or to pay for a new one, but I just told him it was ok. He's a really good guy and I just felt worse that he felt so bad than I did about the camera itself. I'll probably go out sometime soon and buy a new one before I leave.